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How CraigslistService Works


Plan, Implement, and Conquer

In order to run a successful Craigslist campaign, you first need to take a moment to consider the overall goal of the company, particularly with regard to the amount of leads coming into your company. The number of leads you wish to see come into your company directly parallels to the various package plans ProCraigslist offers in order to best suit the needs of your company and larger goal. Because the Craigslist market is extremely competitive, fluid and flexible, the amount of ads necessary to ensure your company, program, or business is successful and at the top of the Craigslist page in a particular category depends on a few factors, including the number of ads being posted, the type of ads being posted, where the ads are being posted, and what time of day the ads are posted. In order to successfully get the most out of your postings, the professionals at ProCraigslist have the ability to fill in the gaps for you; all you have to do is decide the amount of ads you wish to have displayed and how much attention you want your business or company to receive on the Craigslist market. From there, we conquer and expand in order to have your company or business be seen and ultimately successful.


Submit Your Request

The process of purchasing one of our unique package options is easy. First, browse our price list and fill out the order form, including the content you'd like us to use in your ads. Content may include title, keywords, descriptions, etc. After that, our team will review the content, approve your ads, and begin posting. Please keep in mind this process may take 5-7 days to fully complete.


Client Follow-Up and Lead Generation

Once your Craigslist campaign begins, we will notify you by email or phone. You will also receive an invoice outlining payment and the dates your ads will be live. Our team will also allow you to view a live dashboard in order to view the posted and live ads. This allows you to check the status of the ads wherever you may be- anytime and anywhere. Lastly, the team at ProCraigslist is available to answer any questions or ease any concerns that may arise during this process.